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Where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here? As we emerge from the last 16 months of the Covid-19 pandemic many people are asking this question. Workplaces have changed forever. We were forced into experimenting with different ways to work. It was quick, due to necessity, Just like the vaccine. I know for me, although I experienced some major stresses, I personally and professionally discovered growth. I have learned some new skills and changed a few paradigms of mine about work, its purpose and meaning to each of us, and what our future might look like.

I for one believe that we will continue to thrive. These changes are inevitable as technology continues to create options for how we get things done. The next couple of years should be interesting to see how we evolve. Certainly being aware of the consequences of change can help us get ahead of the 8 ball in how we design the “New Workplace”. Facilitated dialogue with your teams is and will continue to be critical to the success of your change journey.

This linked article by Jack Kelley in Forbes Magazine from May 25,2021 “The Unintended Consequences Of The Hybrid-Work Model” is an interesting read and food for thought.

By Brett Hodge

Brett A. Hodge is the president and chief consultant of Organizational Effectiveness Consulting Inc. for 28 years located in Bean Blossom, Indiana. Brett has been a Senior Consultant for IU Health as well as a Certified ICF Coach. Brett is an Adjunct Faculty member of the Executive Education Program in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University as well as Kelley School of Business Executive Education. Brett holds an undergraduate degree in social work as well as a master's degree in social work from Indiana University with an emphasis on human efficacy and group dynamics.

Brett has over 30 years of experience working in organizational development with emphasis on professional coaching, team development, managing high performance teams, strategic planning, skill development, and leadership development. Brett is also a Certified Facilitator of Covey 7 Habits of Highly Effective People training and the 4 Roles of Leadership process, Crucial Conversations, and is a Certified Prosci Change Management Practitioner.

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