Organizational Development Team Effectiveness

How employee management tools can significantly impact your company’s bottom line:

Brett Hodge, CEO 03/27/2024


In today’s dynamic business environment, organizations face multifaceted challenges. Managing human resources effectively is a critical aspect of achieving overall success. Employee management tools play a pivotal role in optimizing workforce performance, streamlining processes, and ultimately contributing to the bottom line.

1. The Expanding Role of Finance and HR

Traditionally, finance departments focused primarily on financial operations. However, the landscape has evolved. Finance professionals now actively participate in shaping overall business strategy. They contribute to cost management, forecasting, and labor optimization. Understanding the workforce—often the largest and most complex expense—is essential for creating a successful business strategy.

2. Workforce Intelligence: The Power of HR Data

Workforce intelligence, derived from HR data and metrics, empowers finance professionals with valuable insights. Here’s how it can impact your bottom line:

a. Cost Optimization

  • Recruiting Efficiency: HR metrics help identify steps to optimize recruiting costs. By understanding which channels yield the best results, you can allocate resources effectively.
  • Talent Assignment: Assigning the right talent to the right tasks ensures productivity. HR data reveals how efficiently employees are assigned and engaged.
  • Pay Practices Alignment: Ensure that compensation and benefits align with performance, avoiding unnecessary costs.

b. Productivity Insights

  • Declining Productivity: HR metrics highlight signs of declining productivity. Addressing these early can prevent revenue losses.
  • Talent Development: Determine whether it’s more beneficial to build talent internally or hire contractors. Investing in employee development pays off in the long run.

c. Process Improvements

  • Efficiency Gains: Identify and implement improvements across various workplace processes. Streamlining workflows directly impacts the bottom line.
  • Diversity and Profitability: A diverse workforce contributes to innovation and profitability. HR data helps create an inclusive work environment.

3. Uncovering Top Performers

  • Armed with HR insights, you can identify top performers who significantly impact your company’s financial success. Recognize their contributions and learn from their practices.
  • Equally important is understanding why some employees fall behind. Addressing performance gaps can boost overall productivity.


Employee management tools bridge the gap between HR and finance. By leveraging HR metrics, you can make informed decisions, optimize costs, and create a thriving work environment. Remember, data-driven strategies lead to a healthier bottom line.

So, embrace the power of employee management tools and watch your business flourish! Contact us at OEC, Inc. for more information 812-345-7519.

Organizational Development Team Effectiveness

Are you hiring the right people?

Between Business Strategy and Business Results are your people. People are what ultimately drives the success of your business. Hiring the right people, giving managers the tools to effectively lead and build successful teams and decreasing turnover are the keys to long term success. Knowing the job behavioral targets and then matching hires to these targets is the key to great hires. Arming your leaders with data on how best to motivate and lead your people is the secret to high levels of engagement with greater ROI!

Connect with us to find out more. 812-345-7519

Organizational Development Team Effectiveness Uncategorized

Where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here? As we emerge from the last 16 months of the Covid-19 pandemic many people are asking this question. Workplaces have changed forever. We were forced into experimenting with different ways to work. It was quick, due to necessity, Just like the vaccine. I know for me, although I experienced some major stresses, I personally and professionally discovered growth. I have learned some new skills and changed a few paradigms of mine about work, its purpose and meaning to each of us, and what our future might look like.

I for one believe that we will continue to thrive. These changes are inevitable as technology continues to create options for how we get things done. The next couple of years should be interesting to see how we evolve. Certainly being aware of the consequences of change can help us get ahead of the 8 ball in how we design the “New Workplace”. Facilitated dialogue with your teams is and will continue to be critical to the success of your change journey.

This linked article by Jack Kelley in Forbes Magazine from May 25,2021 “The Unintended Consequences Of The Hybrid-Work Model” is an interesting read and food for thought.